The Franklin Cover Up

Reportedly the biggest cover up in the history of time, the Franklin scandal is based out of Nebraska, and centers around a group of key individuals.

The main character at the center of it all was named

Lawrence E King

King was the manager of the Franklin Credit Union Bank in Omaha Nebraska, where he embezzled almost 40 million dollars to live his lavish lifestyle among republican elitists. He was known as the fastest rising republican star, and chosen to sing the National Anthem twice at the GOP Convention. He had many friends in high places, and hosted them at lavish parties. His good friend claims that King had even made personal phone calls to then president Ronald Reagen on occasion, when he needed a favor.

By 1988, King was accused by 7 victims, of running pedophile orgies where he abused children sexually, pimped them out to his buddies in high places, and drugged and paid them to do sexual favors for him.

Jarret and Barbara Webb were a couple closely related with King, Jarrett worked for him at the Franklin Federal Credit Union, and Barbara was his cousin. The couple registered with the state as foster parents, and reportedly gave the girls housed with them to Larry so he and his associates could sexually abuse them at pedophile parties and elsewhere.

One of the girls whose name was Eulice Washington even told of being flown in Larry’s private jet across the country all the while being used as a sex slave by numerous men.

Using the name “Uncle Larry” like Ed Savitz did in the previous post about Jerry Sandusky, Eulice knew him to be the architect of all the pedophile orgies and networking that went on during that time.

Eulice’s story was ran through lie detector tests numerous times, and each time proved true, however, no investigation was initiated. Even when the Foster Care Review Board wrote letters to Nebraska’s attorney general, pleading that they start an investigation, they too were ignored completely.

Instead the Attorney General lied and said the investigation would be seen through, only to disregard the entire cause, not even interviewing one alleged victim. The Chief of police said every step that needed to be taken had been taken, but he too was a liar.

His name was Robert Wadman.

Wadman was the chief of his police force, and under him was an man known as officer Carmean. Carmean knew something was up, he could tell his chief of police was avoiding the investigation, and so he took it upon himself to investigate with the force on his own, creating a super sensitive operation that would only used handwritten reports. When Wadman came and asked if there was an investigation into King, Carmean gave him the answer he wanted and said NO, we aren’t investigating, although that was a lie. Shortly afterward Carmean was transferred out of the robbery and sex unit, and his investigation was no more. One year after that Wadman was quoted saying Carmean was mentally unstable.

So why you ask would the chief of police play this kind of role? The answer is obvious.

Four of the victims who did not even know one another, named the chief of police, Robert Wadman, as one of the men who sexually abused them as children.

In the midst of all this, reports were being made by the press here and there, but the most revealing report of all was by the Washington Times.

The article goes on and on about homosexual prostitution, which seems to be it’s main focus, but then they decide to quickly mention pedophilia as well.

“In addition to credit-card fraud, the investigation is said to be focused on illegal interstate prostitution, abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion, extortion, larceny and related illicit drug trafficking and use by prostitutes and their clients.” – Washington Times

Craig Spence who was a republican lobbyist, was named in the article as the host of these late night White House Sex Tours, and he was contacted in regard to the matter.

Spence admitted to his actions by telling interviewers that it was a then CIA member who had given him the key to the White House, although he refused to name names. He ended the interview with the following quote:
“All this stuff you’ve uncovered (involving call boys, bribery and the White House tours), to be honest with you, is insignificant compared to other things I’ve done. But I’m not going to tell you those things, and somehow the world will carry on.” — We can only imagine what he might be talking about… ha…. ha …..

Interestingly enough, two months after his big mouth had opened, he was found dead in a hotel room, he had all kinds of prescription drugs with him and left a note that said “sorry for the inconvenience.” It was called a suicide.

By now it was quite obvious to everyone in an earshot that this whole scandal was being seriously covered up, and someone had to do something about it, so a group of 12 senators took the dirty work. The leader of them was Loran Shcmit.

Schmit reported receiving a threatening phone call shortly after beginning the investigation, the person would not reveal their name, but they did repeatedly tell Schmit ” You don’t want to investigate the Federal Credit Union”

The other lead investigator on the committee was  Gary Caradori

Caradori had compiled a leads list of 271 victims of sexual abuse in the Franklin area although he only got to three of them before his untimely assassination.

Troy Boner


Alisha Owens

Both Troy and Alisha, unknown to one another, recounted their stories of being brought to hundreds of parties where they were sexually abused as children, by King and other prominent men. Both of their stories were ran by state sponsored lie detector tests MULTIPLE times and passed.

Miss Owens had told Caradori that some of the parties were held above the “French Cafe”, following this lead he contacted the previous manager, Sheila McGuire, who confirmed Miss Ownens’ story, elaborating into a specific time when “this guy Irv from NYC wanted Sandra who was 12 and on her first period at the time” when the menstruating 12 year old refused the mans sexual advances, Miss. McGuire went on to describe how King gave her a roll of hundred dollar bills and a sniff of cocaine before Sandra reluctantly accompanied the man into a private room. McGuire told Caradori that King “took good care of high rollers” and if they invested at Franklin, he would cater to their most deranged perversions.

The NY Times confirmed that legislature received THOUSANDS of files regarding sexual abuse from children and testimonies from people involved in the foster care and education system. NOW HOLD ON TO YOUR CHAIRS PEOPLE. Instead of interviewing and investigating into the matter, the literal thousands of files WERE SEALED, and the Federal Grand Jury called ALISHA OWENS TO COURT TO BE CHARGED WITH PERJURY.

Alisha Owens was found guilty of perjury sentenced to 9-15 YEARS IN JAIL! AND HELD IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR 2 WHOLE FUCKING YEARS, No woman had ever spent that long in the history of Nebraska. The message was clear – no one better dare say a word of what happened to them.

Troy Boner got the message and quickly recanted his stories, but later on down the road admitted that his stories were true and he only took them back because he feared his own death. He then begged for his abusers to be put under a lie detector test by his side, and repeated the allegations in a testimony stating that the Chief of Police Robert Wadmann and the Omaha Herald editor Harold Andersen were primary players in his abuse and the abuse of his peers. He recounts the various tactics the FBI used in his intimidation, including alluding to harm that may come about to a family member if he persisted in telling his story. And it did, Troy’s brother, Shawn, was found dead with a bullet wound to the head a couple months later, the death was said to be caused by an unlucky game of Russian Roulette.

Troy went to an Omaha hospital, sure he was being targeted because of his testimony, and the next day he was found dead in his room, drugged and beaten to a pulp.

Caradori had reportedly told a close friend that he was going to blow the lid off of this case thanks to a secret informant that he was going to visit in Chicago. He told his friend that if anyone knew of the evidence he was about to be given, they would kill him. And they did. The plane returning from Chicago with Caradori and his 8 year old son, Andrew as passengers, was blown up in the air before crashing down to land. Remnants of his suitcase and any evidence he might have been traveling with, had vanished. Within 24 hours the committees investigation was halted by the FBI.

Who was this secret informant whose information got Caradori killed?

His name was Rusty Nelson.

He had been hiding in Chicago because he was once a close friend and photographer of King and he had thousands of photographs of King’s parties, including the pedophile orgies. He had given photos of the chief of police, Wadman, and of King, engaging in sex acts with children, all of which were lost in the crash.

Mr. Nelson finally broke his silence and came out of hiding to testify during the trial held for one of the victims whose name was Paul Bonacci. Since then he has been continually harassed and followed, in an attempt to ruin his life for what he had done when testifying.

Paul Bonacci

He accused King of sex abuse in 1986, two years before any of this scandal even happened.
He claimed that they did horrible things to him, put guns in his mouth and anus, but cattle prod like objects inside of him, and used him generally as a child prostitute from the time he was 8 years old. He claimed to have been in attendance many times during the white house tours with Craig Spence, where he said he was immediately brought to be sexually abused following the tour.

His case was so convincing for whatever reasons presented, that the judge ruled in his favor and ordered King to pay Bonacci one million dollars. Of course, King never paid.

He also named Barney Frank, a democratic member of the US House Of Representatives, as a key sex abuser in his victimization.

In 1993, discovery channel filmed a documentary on the Franklin scandal but it never came out, it was pulled for some mysterious reason, but was released years later and can be seen online. The movie is called “Conspiracy Of Silence”.

One senator, John DeCamp,  who tried as best he could to bring justice to this situation ended up doing all he could which was publish a book, available online, called ” The Franklin Cover Up ” it is a must read.

I will end this post with a quote from CIA member to Senator DeCamp during his crusade to find justice.

“What you have to understand, John [DeCamp], is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, not matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. That is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face. You have done your part. You have tried to expose the evil and wrongdoing. It has hurt you terribly. But it has not killed you up to this point. I am telling you, get out of this before it does. Sometimes things are just too big for us to deal with, and we have to step aside and let history take its course. For you, John, this is one of those times.” – Former CIA Director William Colby


And I feel there is nothing more I need to say to you people, it is time we awaken to the dark truth. To these pedophiles in high places. Yo.


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